Albert Dock 是好地方!披頭四博物館絕對超值!學生票£12 本來以為進去晃一下大概一個小時就會出來,結果在裡面待了兩半個小時!真的是一個做的很用心的展覽館欸!然後在紀念品區又忍不住要剁手買了一個超好看的馬克杯(陳媽迷之音:妳一個人是要用多少個杯子!)
看到了George Martin,當年錄Help! 時的筆記手稿,在完成了今年眾多錄音project之後真是特別有感觸....我想說的是他怎麼可以寫這麼整齊漂亮,我每次錄音時都一堆符號亂七八糟...然後就憂傷的想到論文還沒開始寫...
傍晚時搭了20分鐘火車到一個恬靜小鎮的海灘 Anthony Gormey's Another Place,壓力很大之每到夏天我要去海邊~去海邊!耶!在沙灘上找到了許多鐵人好朋友,就是我們Victoria Square 上的巨人Iron: Man, 只不過這裡是擬真大小的全裸鑄鐵iron men,綿延3公里的海灘上前前後後站著100個鐵人,藝術家想藉由潮汐與日照變化探討人與自然的關係,他們每個人都面海,努力穩穩站在沙裡面對著變化,有些陷到沙裡很深,站在一個以他為圓心的低窪,有些在看起來漲潮會被完全淹沒的地方,有的都長海藻在腳上了,當然身上的鐵鏽大大小小的疙瘩一堆。
[Adventure in Liverpool]
I enjoyed walking around The Albert Dock so much! There are many museums, including Tate and The Beatles Story in that area. It will be so nice if the wind is not that big...I felt like there's someone hitting my head with ice cube🤧
The Beatles Story: Saw George Martin's hand written note during tracking!!! It reminded me about the PPitS essay...
Crosby Beach: Antony Gormley's Another place. There are 100 figures spread out along three km of the beach. According to Antony Gormley, these sculptures intend to explore the relationship between man & nature with the ebb and flow of the tide. And I just... need to see a beach then jump a stressful...