2016年8月10日 星期三

[柏林大冒險] 第三天:Mauerpark和 Frollein Langner表演

柏林是一個讓人很感動的城市,而且對英文超友善!我本來超級擔心我只會Danke,沒想到他們都很習慣英文溝通,而且比起其他國家的首都,他實在是太寬敞舒適啦!發現養寵物的比例非常高,但是街道上都滿乾淨的,這裏的乾淨不是指日本那種整潔秩序,而是街道上很自然的一點點的髒亂、偶爾的尿騷味和時不時的大麻味,而城市的綠化程度也幫這個「乾淨印象」加了不少分。行道樹非常多、大大小小的公園綠地,讓空氣呼吸起來很順暢,尤其在倫敦待了兩天以後,這裏根本是天堂!不得不說我已經習慣伯明罕的鄉村感了...每次一出London Euston的閘門,人群恐懼症就會發作...而且每次鼻屎都會變多變黑,覺得超討厭。

星期天的Mourpark是一個神奇的地方,一些藝術家是有備而來; 一些則是像來這裡曬曬太陽順便練習一下,他們旁若無人地進行著自己的藝術活動,但是總能吸引到或多或少的人圍觀,舞蹈、樂器、靜態藝術創作都好,都是那麼自在地發生。旁邊還有一堆手作市集可惜因為時間的關係,沒有機會逛到...

晚上在Frollein Langner的表演很成功,沒想到原住民電音大受好評,我覺得我的口譯工作也還算OK,雖然自己知道沒有昨天在野餐派對表現得好,因為逛了一個天,到晚上狀態整個ㄎㄧㄤ掉,臨場反應慢了很多還忘記了一些簡單的單字覺得羞愧(完全佩服Suming跟小龍老師的體力啊...),所以每次翻完一段坐下,就馬上後悔...一些檢討的想法也隨之浮現,像是一些可以事先準備專有名詞和如何解釋敏感的議題。同時也因為整趟旅程從一直跟著Suming更了解他的創作跟想法,在介紹中文歌時會很想多闡述一點背景讓非中文聽眾能更理解歌曲裡的情感和意涵。本來以為是很可怕艱鉅的任務,在這幾場的體驗下來,或許是被Suming的表演情緒和想要發揚文化的精神感染,反而成為一件很有趣而且想把它做得更好的事情。


[Adventure in Berlin] Day 3: Mauerpark & Frollein Langner live

I'm deeply touch by this English-friendly city. Berlin is totally uncrowded compares to other capitals. Many people keep pet but the street is clean. Well... It's not really that kind of clean and tidy like Japan but it's quite natural and I supposed the impression result from its green feature. So many tress and parks in the city. The streets are a little messy and a little smells but not too much, the air still fresh enough with odor of marijuana from time to time. After staying in London 2 days, Berlin is like heaven!
Sunday's Mauerpark is a magical site. Many artists are well-prepared and some artists just enjoy being themselves doing art activities there like they are practicing dancing or playing instruments at home. There are also many handcrafts and creativity products. Such a shame I had no chance to take a look at those vendors due to the short visit.
People here are so open minded and audiences are full of passion to music and arts. They give their support not only by interacting with the performer but actually buying your album. I'm always a CD buyer but nowadays fewer and fewer people are buying CD. I thought live house goers are more likely to do so but we still didn't earn many support in UK like we did in Berlin.
Interpretation at Frollein Langner went okay I supposed. Although I know myself did better at the picnic party yesterday, and there are still many terms I shall get to know, many idea appeared after each paragraph about how to improve the way I explain issue which is controversial or how to add a little introduction to the Chinese songs for Non-Chinese speakers.
I'm really grateful that I have this opportunity to accompany Suming and Lung during this two-week journey. I did many attempts to things I have never involved in before, such a hosting a live performance and being an accompanying and event interpreter. I am thankful for meeting such lovely people during the trip. It is an amazing experience that so many talented people in different specialties to complete a tour!! Do hope we have another shot to do something together in the near future...

