2016年5月8日 星期日

[伯明罕大冒險] 擺在眼前的事實不見得是真相

回到作品集,本年度我幾首重要的作品都是Electroacoustic music,從剛來這邊根本分不清楚acoustic, electonic, electroacoustic, acousmatic這些名詞,到現在能非常享受自己外出錄音,然後創作聲學的曲子,最近在寫的一首曲子,我想將怪手拆圖書館的聲音慢慢轉變成湖邊波浪的聲音,就在試了好幾天後,剛剛閉起眼睛聽終於能說服自己了,這就是聲學的趣味之處吧!聽見的聲音不見得是你想象中的物體發出來的!
走去超市的路上,每天經過兩遍的小徑今天長得不太一樣,就在我跑過紅綠燈,迎面而來是整面枝葉繁盛的綠,一棵開滿了白色的小花的樹在陽光下bling bling,但是磚頭路上卻鋪滿了粉紅色的花瓣,我看著眼前美麗又怪異的景色,一路上一直在想到底是怎麼回事?於是回程時我決定順著小路繼續走到粉紅色花瓣消失為止。

[Adventure in Birmingham] Answer which easy to find might not be the truth.

The deadline of annual folio assessment is one day away, and I start to feel that I lost my hearing. Not to waste such a nice weather. I decided to get my ears some rests and go out for a walk.
The most important pieces this year is all about electroacoustic and I enjoy so much engaging in sound transformation. In the latest piece I'm working on, there's a destruction sound and I'd like to slowly transform it into wave sound beside a lake. Sometime I close my eyes and suddenly it sounds like a real water sound rather than destruction sound. Hearing is not believing but I believe I will keep on exploring.
On my way to Tesco, the pathway looks different today. A flourish tree with white little flowers under sunshine standing right there and the brick road covered by pink petals everywhere. This is quite a view as well as dodgy. I was wondering all the way and when I walked back I decided not to go home straight but walk along the pathway a bit further to see where the pink petals ended.
If I stopped by the corner I would never find out there's a tree with pink flower hidden behind the bush and that's where the pink petals come from! Seeing is not believing!

