2016年7月12日 星期二

[伯明罕大冒險] 伸展台音樂 Catwalk Music

[伯明罕大冒險]挑戰伸展台音樂 Catwalk Music

兩首為BCU學生設計師製作的音樂終於全部完工,明天在Parkside building晚上六點,特別感謝Vicky和Ranen兩位設計師讓我有這次合作的經驗。
Food Fantasy是受到Vicky的啓發,她想要設計出更實穿但風格的衣服,運用速食幽了快時尚一默。我初次聽到她的創作理念時,就被激發出許多想法,每一次的往返討論也非常明確與效率,是個有想法的設計師。Root則是為Ranen寫的作品,她身為一個造型師,但是卻製作出了這麼美的一個系列,從染布,皮革切割,到裁縫完成這個系列,真的是非常有才華。她運用了東方的染布技法,以及大輪廓的剪裁讓我想起Yohji Yamamoto,也因此我決定嘗試從來沒有寫過的東方風格。
食物狂想曲 (Vicky的女裝系列 - 多巴胺)
根 (Ranen的無性別系列 - 根)

[Adventure in Birmingham] Music for Fashion Show

Two pieces produced for fashion students are all done and the show begins at 18:00 tomorrow at Parkside building.
Many thanks to two designer Vicky Wei, and Ranen Liao.
Vicky inspired me with the ethic spirit and humour she possessed against fast fashion. And Ranen who is a stylist but created such a gorgeous collection (from fabric to clothing!) with a deep connection to eastern element - our root. The techniques she used remind me of Yohji Yamamoto and which was a calling for me to compose music with eastern element and electronics.
Cheers to such pleasant collaborations and all the best on tomorrow's show!
Food Fantasy (Vicky's women collection - Dopamine)
Root (Ranen's unisex collection - Root)

2016年7月6日 星期三

[愛爾蘭大冒險] 高威

[愛爾蘭大冒險] 沼澤分解不完全的泥土,是高威人的乾柴,燃燒出的爐煙是愛爾蘭移民的鄉愁。





我們在一個超大的沼澤旁停車 (照片4,5),麥可帶著我們離開公路,走進草原,並且不忘叮嚀我們最好跟緊他,踩他踩過的路,因為沼澤區有許多鬆軟的地面,看起來可能跟一般的地面一樣,但一踏空可能就會掉進水裡。這裏的腳感非常有趣,好像海綿又像彈簧床,地面有些濕滑,在上面跳可以感覺到底下有許多中空的縫隙,或許是造物者遺留的一隻超大氣墊鞋。麥可撿起地上一塊黑黑的東西叫我們傳遞下去(照片3),有點濕濕的,我還以為是什麼動物的大便,但仔細一看裡面的紋理很整齊,像是樹枝、草、土壤被壓得扁扁,一層一層,於是忍不住用鼻子嗅了嗅,竟然沒味道欸!



麥可提議前方有一段下坡,景色非常好,不如我們下車走一段,他開到山腳下等我們,於是我們一行人浩浩蕩蕩下車,右邊山坡左邊峽谷前方不遠處有一個港灣(圖7),在這麼視野遼闊的地方散步根本享受!而且路邊超多笑笑羊,所以我一下車就決定要當最後一個,想要錄一些環境音,就在吵鬧的人們遠離後山坡上有兩隻笑笑羊忽然開始合叫,一隻叫得超高亢一隻叫得比較溫馴,我伸長了手用麥克風對著其中一隻,努力想要跟牠有點眼神交流,沒想到幾分鐘後,牠忽然朝我奔來,跳下山坡,一蹬一蹬跑過馬路,跳過路邊的石堆,進入山谷的草原,我!的!天!啊!是羊叫 跟 羊蹄 欸!!!由於錄音耽擱了一點時間,我趕快拿著手機衝去跟大家會合,當我興奮不已地坐上車後才發現我的程式整個凍結在錄音畫面,完全不、能、動...,最後我只好強制關閉錄音程式,南柯一夢...


[ Adventure in Ireland ] There's no fire like fire besides.

Second day from Dublin to Galway Connemara National Park. The tour guide is a knowledgeable chatty folk who has a sleepy voice. He kept talking during the whole journey meanwhile is able to drive a little coach on a bumpy road which has a speed limit at 100 km/hr (That's the speed limit on highways in Taiwan!!). He has a nice bass sound but speaks fast in a low voice like it will waste too much of his energy if he opened his mouth bigger. The way he talk made me wonder maybe he is so sick of this job due to he probably has to repeats the same history of the land, tells the same story of his wife and parents even maybe the same joke to every tourists every day. Anyway he is still a great guide and gentle driver who tells joke with a pokerface and slows down without rushing sheep that lingering at the middle of the road.
He talked about Viking, Norman and how King of England came and took away the eastern part of the country where is more fertile so many Irish were forced to went west. We looked out the window, the land is so poor here, lots of rocks and bog. Not to mention the gloomy wether...like Irish says that the only different between summer and winter in Ireland is that the rain in summer is warmer.We stopped by a coffee shop beside an Inn for rest. It was raining which made the wether chilly and I was so desperate for a cup of hot chocolate and a scone but when I entered the store I thought something was on fire since an unfamiliar odor in the air and smoke everywhere...Then I noticed there was a fireplace on the left-hand side (See picture 1,2). The white area on first photo is smoke result from sun light from the window beside.
After a scone with butter we back to coach. Tour guide continued with Irish language was forbidden when the king of England in charged this land. Fortunately, English was not willing to develop the poor land so Irish language was able to preserved there. Connemara is one of the district that Irish language was most spoken. Connemara is a large area in Galway county and it used to be divided into North Connemara and South Connemara.The mountains of the Twelve Bens and the Owenglin River, which flows into the sea at An Clochán/Clifden, marked the boundary between the two parts.
We parked beside some bogs(See picture 4,5) and warned us better stick to him or we might fell into the bog. Because it's hard to differentiate ground and land which are dissolving in this area. The bog district is like a huge sponge but felt like a bit similar to a spring bed. When stepping on the ground, I felt it's hollow underneath. The tour guide picked up a debris and passed down. I thought it's some kind of animal excretion at first but I smell nothing so I looked at it carefully and it seemed like a mixture of twigs and grasses and dirts. Although it's a bit wet but the structure is quite tight and hard. Our guide finally reviled the secret (See picture 3).
Remember the coffee shop we stopped by? The fireplace inside uses this as firewoods. Some of you might notice it smells different from regular firewood, because they are dirt which didn't dissolve completely and only appears in the bog area. He talked about his parents immigrated to Australia for living but every time they came back to Galway, they will secretly carry some of them out to Australia which is totally illegal. But only a dust burning with normal firewood the scents heals their homesick. Like an old Irish saying: "There's no fire like fire beside" which means there's no where like home.
The sheep have the right here! They happily living in this area and so unafraid of human! Their wool is rough due to the cold and rainy wether so mostly the wool are used to make carpet and furnishing textile. They are expertise hiking on the rocks and hills and the biggest tragedy of my trip occurred here...
Our guide dropped us on a hill slope so that we can spend sometime walking and enjoy the beauty of this national park. I intended to fall behind since I want to record ambience, and suddenly two of the sheep on the rock started to bleat. I tried to move forward and looked into one of the sheep's eyes. The after a while the sheep turn to me and ran down the slope!! The sheep cross the road in front of my face and left the road to valley on my left-hand side (See picture 7). I was so excited about all the sound I recorded. sheep bleat and steps!!! I stopped the application and ran to catch everyone because I was so much behind, and when I finally got in the coach I found the app was stuck. It didn't crush but freeze at the recording window....
I'm still upset now...such a beautiful location with a miserable story of my own...haha. At least I will remember a warm story of the Galway's special firewood as compensation.

2016年7月1日 星期五

[愛爾蘭大冒險] 國家榮耀之於旅人,交流對話之於旅途。

結束高威的旅程回到都柏林,太陽還沒下山,但整個城市的廚房都收工了,我們好不容易找到一間很情調的哈瓦那小酒館廚房還沒熄火,進去享用了一頓非常下酒的拼盤,走出店才看到它不知道是得了什麼的2016 Trip Advisor第一名!不過這不是本篇重點,改天再談。


我們再度走進房間時,行李箱男子還是坐在床邊沒有打開行李箱,我很大聲地跟他說 “ Hi we are back!” 沒想到包包都還沒放下就開啟了話題。原來行李箱男子不是剛到,而是準備去坐飛機,他問我們在都柏林要待幾天,還去了哪些地方,我回答去了Galway,他整個非常激動地說他本來也要去Galway,但卻聽信了朋友的話去了Cork,結果發現Cork也就是個城市,和Dublin沒有差很多,他眼睛閃閃發亮的問我Galway如何?我想我也是眉飛色舞的告訴他地景有多壯觀、多麽值得一去,他越聽越惋惜,整個語調和神情都讓我差點要為自己去了Galway而道歉了。富敏好心地告訴他Maybe next time you can go to Galway,他說Yeh...yeh if there's next time...然後他開始笑著解釋他本來其實住在旅館,但是他的錢花完了,只好搬到青旅,還說他三天前才把工作辭掉,或許之後有機會到曼徹斯特工作。

原來他是一位來自厄瓜多的咖啡師,他來都柏林參加一年一度的咖啡大賽,當他得知我們是台灣人時,激動地說妳知道嗎,Barista冠軍是台灣人!妳們知道他嗎???很顯然我和富敏都不清楚咖啡界的盛事,還問他是今年嗎?他說對啊!就在幾個小時以前才發生的,然後給我看Berg Wu在會場拿著我們的國旗的照片,這下換成我很興奮地歡呼說:「他拿著我們的國旗耶,中國可能會生氣!」他整個爆笑,然後說中國也有參賽,他們真的很不高興!他興奮地一直問富敏和我知不知道Berg Wu,很可惜我們都不知道,而且我們還是透過這位熱情的厄瓜多男子,才得知這個第一手消息。他解釋了比賽怎麼進行的告訴我們這是一個多麼困難的競賽,要記住所有複雜的配方、精準執行每一個程序,有很多評審給分,冠軍是所有項目積分最高的人獲得。他邊說並且滿臉崇拜地指著手機上的新聞說Berg Wu現在是他的典範,他的神情是那麼真誠,講得我都不好意思了哈哈哈哈!不過我想我和富敏內心都是相當澎湃而光榮的!


冰島叔叔表情靦腆,但句子越說越快,像小學生急忙要像同伴展現他蒐集到的新棒球卡一樣。他說冰島隊球員只有幾個是從別的城鎮來的,其他大部份都是從小一起踢球,從X年(他講了一個年份但我忘己了)、到X年(又一個年份)到X年,他們一起練習一起長大,終於今年贏了,他們完全就是一個團隊,不是像一些很厲害的球星,為了自己踢球,我們的球隊真的是因為他們一起長大,為了國家而踢球。厄瓜多男子又是一臉溫馨的表情,讚嘆說 “ Ahhh so niceeee " 接著討論到人口,厄瓜多男子問冰島人口多少,是不是大家都認識彼此,冰島叔叔說30萬人左右吧,還不到大家都認識彼此,但是如果你問一個人,可能就是他朋友的朋友這樣,所以像這次比賽,他的朋友在電視上看到某個球員就會說: " Oh him! We call him family! "

我真的是被人口數打敗,為了要說台灣有兩千三百萬人,我還用計算機按出來,拿給厄瓜多男子看,他說沒錯,是23 million。後來又亂聊了一陣子,厄瓜都男子還告訴我們有機會應該去厄瓜多的Galapagos島嶼,看看那邊繁多的動物。後來厄瓜多男子他說三點去機場前要小睡一下,結束了這場對話,厄瓜多男子和衣躺上床後,冰島叔叔整個超自在,突然就開始脫衣服脫褲子,我和富敏都還站在旁邊,而且燈都亮著,他就自顧自爬進被子裡...

旅行遇到這樣的交流就像額外的充電,短暫的對話裡讚嘆了好多好多新事物,尤其大家來自不同的地方的時候...。我從內心深深佩服厄瓜多男子聊天的本事,冰島叔叔一走進來我其實就感受到他本來沒有想要跟參與我們三個人,但是厄瓜多男子能夠引得他說這麼多話,我覺得我根本就無法 :( 可是又很嚮往這樣的旅行方式...可能要再鍛煉一下心智...期待下一次旅行!