2013年6月23日 星期日

《Guitar recital》Miloš Karadaglić


         下課後毫不猶豫把市面找得到上的CD搜刮回家,也就是他在2011年錄製的Mediterraneo (地中海情深),以及去年2012年錄製的Latino (拉丁神韻),看過他的心路歷程影片後,節錄了幾句他的自白,可以大約的瞭解這位演奏家的本質。

"In my parents bed room, there was a dusty old guitar.

Which is colored in black lacquer, and it has missing strings.

It's absolutely horrible, but at the same time it just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

From the moment I picked it up, i pretend to be a rock star and i really like this feeling,

so we clean it up and put new strings. And with this guitar,

I went to music school and said I want to learn to play guitar.

That was how i started to play guitar, and from then on, never left."

        於是八歲的他開始進入音樂學校學習吉他,他的朋友說他幾乎花了他所有的時間在彈吉他,他很棒也上電視節目,Milos自己笑着說,但有時他的朋友會很氣 他,因為即使是足球滾到他面前,他也不會抬起他的腳去踢一下,因為他只想彈吉他。巴爾幹戰爭,給了他一些影響,他門並不是真的受到直接的迫害,但難民就在 生活左右,後來物資短缺、電力不足,在種動盪之中,他強烈地感受到戰爭,尤其他父親的摯友,死於這場戰爭。16歲他終於如願以償,進入Royal academy of music就讀,從蒙特內哥羅來到倫敦的他說:

"When my father was left, it was fun he leave me a letter

with all the instruction in certainly situation,

how to react, how to behave, how to go with the big city."


"When you are in the academy, you're with your teacher and colleges.

You're making music in that level and you done your best at the best place to study

And then the door is open, and you are finished and have to keep going.

After many rejection from management and recording company, time was very difficult.

But now you kind of know it's really matters, and people are finally going to hear your music"


" When i look at some images when i was young when i was performing,

when i was doing really big thing for that age. Playing some of the pieces

I would like to play twice today, I find it's astonishing how much i wanted to do this.

It feel like I'm the only one to do this.

It's this will to communicate this music to everybody i possibly can.“


”Now i go to sleep,when i close my eyes, the only thing i can see is the notes.

the only thing i can see is the phrase i written.

I can only listen how i can make it better, how i can improve the sound.

so sometimes when i go out visit friend, it get me really hard for them,

because i can be somewhere else.“

         錄音時,他說音樂必須是自然流露出來的,不只是彈過那些音,如果不是發自內心的就不會有那樣的效果,這場音樂會,曲目幾乎都能在他的兩張CD中聽到,不同 的是那麼大一個舞台,他卻有辦法用小小一把吉他,隨性地跨坐著,就抓住了所有人的氣息,舞台掌控力,全靠著每個音符的細膩詮釋,樂句與樂句間藏着不同的戲 法,有的會勾魂,引出下個句子、有的乾脆俐落,斷得熱情如火。

       這場演出,完整的80分鐘,無中場,座無虛席、扶老攜幼、攜家帶眷,上半場用拉丁的四首小品開場:這些來自南美洲的作曲家代表著濃濃的拉丁風情和南美各國音樂特色:Cardoso的Milonga、Morel的Danza Brasilera、Brouwer的Un Dia de Noviembre、Savio的Batucada.

       緊接著是古典吉他中的經典曲目Villa-Lobos的Prelude No.1、Etude No.11 & 12、Valsa-Choro然後,是一首技巧性極高的Un Sueno en la Floresta(by Barrios) 描寫花瓣飄落的姿態。之後由Milos自己指揮/獨奏,弦樂四重奏和手風琴演出大家耳熟能詳的:Gaedel:Por una cabeza、Farres: Quizas, Quizas, Quizas和Piazzola:Oblivion以Libertango絢爛結尾,速度可以說飆得非常快呀!

         結束後,簽名隊伍從一樓大廳沿著雄偉的旋轉手扶梯一路排到二樓,這其中的迷人之處,除了Milos的性感外表和迷人指數破表的笑容外XD 或許就如同他的自白一樣:

"guitar can be so many things, it's like you are conducting your own orchestra.

 There's no other instrument in the world that is so accessible.

There's almost all house hold guitar. Rock guitar, electric guitar, classical, it;s still a guitar,

and it's big to everybody."

最後附上這首相當耐人尋味的 Quizás, quizás, quizás...他的音樂,充滿激情哪

2013年6月19日 星期三



        走進小徑,樹林是環繞音響,播放漸歇式的蟬鳴伴奏。首先入鏡的,是幾個男孩討論著體育被當有多丟臉的聲音。小石子被橡皮碾過的聲音從背後傳來,我閃向一邊, 單車慢慢騎過,迎面的機車隆隆聲轉過彎,驚喜地聽到孩子們正異口同聲歌唱著、喊叫著,我在木棉樹下駐足,望進輔幼,聽見安可!安可!



